The key to our success lies in our ability to intuitively understand your business and its requirements, and in our innate ability to source suitable candidates.
This involves a thorough understanding of your business, its structure, culture, products and/or services sold, and your customers. A detailed position description is obtained, along with candidate specification parameters.
We employ a combination of recruitment methods including advertisements, database searches, headhunting, and network searches. We are continually updating and increasing our contact base to better serve you with fast and accurate information.
All short-listed candidates undergo a comprehensive multistage screening process to ensure their suitability. Their experience, skill levels, achievements, present and future capabilities, and presentation and communication skills are stringently evaluated to ensure an ideal fit within your organization and with your customers.
We further facilitate the process by organising interviews, disseminating information and feedback, organising follow-up appointments, and by negotiating salary packages. We also perform regular post-placement follow up with the candidate and with the client to ensure that both parties are pleased with the results.